(This tutorial is written using Photoshop CS3. To complete the final step of this tutorial you will need some scratchy brushes which you can download for free here. If you're new to installing brushes there is a good tutorial on doing so here)
Hey out there. It's Tuesday again and more fun stuff on the way. I love how this tutorial turned out so let's get right down to business.
We're going to transform a snapshot into a newspaper style photo today. Why? Because it's fun.
Original image... my son being forced to smile on the first day of school.
Desaturate... Image > Adjustments > Desaturate (or Shift+Ctrl+U).
Run an unsharp mask. This is the settings I used on this photo, but yours may be need to be adjusted. Every photo is different.
Create a new layer and flood-fill it with a light brown color. Here's what I used.
Change blending mode to color and reduce opacity till the color of the photo looks right.
Create a another layer and flood-fill with a lighter-version of your original color. (The easiest way to do this is to click on your foreground color and adjust the lightness only.)
Now we're going to create a halftone pattern. Filter > Sketch > Halftone Pattern. Use these settings.
Set blending mode to soft light...
and reduce the opacity till your image looks something like this when you zoom in
(You know, I forgot to take a screen shot of this, but you also need to blur that layer a bit. Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur. Keep the radius really low... about .5)
Set your foreground to white, create a new layer and add scratches using the brush set you downloaded. Reduce opacity just a bit.
Print it or scrap it!